Committee on Ministry
Purpose & Function:
Purpose & Function: The Committee on Ministry (COM) supports National Capital Presbytery’s (NCP) responsibilities for the care, oversight, and accountability for teaching elders and educators. These include examining, receiving, and dismissing minister members; offering encouragement and support to teaching elders and educators; seeking healthy relationships between teaching elders and congregations; and helping congregations secure appropriate pastoral leadership and educators in times of transition.
The work of the COM is carried out by five teams of ministers and ruling elders and with the oversight of the COM Coordinating Committee. COM’s authority is based in the Book of Order, G-3.0306 and G-3.0307.
For documents related to Committee on Ministry work, please click here.
Teams of the Committee on Ministry:
Congregational Transitions — The Congregational Transitions Commission provides oversight to every move made in, out, and within a congregation. The CTC works with congregations from the moment a pastor communicates her intention to leave a position through the calling of a new pastor. CTC works through liaisons who become the face of the CTC to the session and congregation and work with them to determine the appropriate type of call (installed, designated, stated supply, etc.), ensure good fit, healthy financial picture (including minimum salary requirements and benefits), and all the appropriate legal and immigration requirements have been met. Mark Harper, and Michael Volpe, co-chair this commission.
Examinations — The Examinations Team examines candidates transferring into our presbytery or changing calls within our presbytery. These teams continue to work with candidates to ensure the theological and pastoral competence required for teaching elders in the variety of ministry contexts in this presbytery. Gary Sowers, chair Examinations Team.
Ministry Relations — The Ministry Relations Team (MRT) blends care, oversight, and accountability for members of the presbytery and congregations through its work in crisis engagement and conflict management. The MRT oversees the expenditure of the Ministry Crisis Fund to support pastors and their families in particular hardship. Linda Lanam, chair, MRT.
Teaching Elder Care & Nurture Team (TECN) — The team cares for our minister members by providing grants to church leaders to attend continuing education events, facilitating colleague groups and supporting pastors in time of need. The team conducts exit interviews and helps the general presbyter welcome new clergy. The team also deals with all the transitional and maintenance issues pertaining to minister members who are:
-serving in validated ministries
-honorably retired, and
-parish associates.
This team is responsible for validating specialized ministries within the bounds of the presbytery, receiving yearly specialized ministry reports, overseeing parish associate relationships, and ensuring IRS-related matters for specialized ministers are recorded properly. Larry Golemon and Emma Horn are co-chairing this team.
The Coordinating Commission of COM coordinates the work of these five teams. The COM and the Coordinating Commission is chaired by Juli Wilson-Black and vice-chaired by Carla Gorrell
Staff Contact:
John Molina-Moore, General Presbyter
Rebekah Greniven, Administrative Assistant
Coordinating | Ministry Relations (MRT) |
Juli Wilson-Black, TE, Coordinating Co-Chair (Class of 2025) | Ako Cromwell, RE (Class of 2026) |
Carla Gorrell, TE, Coordinating Co-Chair (Class of 2027) | Eric Forsyth, TE (Class 2024) |
Michael Volpe, RE, CTC Co-Chair (Class of 2025) | Chuck Booker, TE (Class of 2025) |
Mark Harper, RE, CTC Co-Chair (Class of 2025) | Eric Snyder, TE (Class of 2025) |
Larry Golemon, RE, TECN Co-Chair (Class of 2027) | Rev. Layne Brubaker, TE (Class of 2024) |
Emma Horn, RE, TECN Co-Chair (Class of 2027) | Rev. Laura Batten-Carbaugh (Class of 2026) |
Gary Sowers, RE, Co-Chair (Class of 2023) | Blair Moorhead, TE (Class of 2026) |
Katherine Stanford, RE, MRT Co-Chair (Class of 2027) | Matt Nabinger, TE (Class of 2026) |
Linda Lanam, RE, MRT Co-Chair (Class of 2027) | Laura Fitzgibbon, TE (Class of 2027) |
Linda Lanam, RE Co-Chair (Class of 2027) | |
Katherine Stanford, TE Co-Chair (Class of 2027) |
Teaching Elder Care and Nurture (TECN) | Exam Team |
Chuck Booker, TE (Class of 2025) | Gary Sowers, RE, Co-Chair (Class of 2026) |
Eric Snyder, TE (Class of 2025) | Gary Aller, RE, (Class of 2025) |
Rev. Laura Batten-Carbaugh (Class of 2026) | Ben Trawick, TE (Class of 2027) |
Rev. Larry Golemon Co-Chair (Class of 2027) | |
Rev. Emma Horn Co-Chair (Class of 2027) |
Congregational Transitions (CTC) |
Mark Harper, TE, Co-Chair (Class of 2025) |
Michael Volpe, RE, Co-Chair (Class of 2025) |
Jesy Littlejohn, RE (Class of 2026) |
Taekhan Yoon, TE (Class of 2027) |
Carla Gorrell, TE (Class of 2027) |
Kris Maldarelli, CRE (Class of 2026) |
Susan Graceson, TE (Class of 2026) |