Church Development
Assess and recommend to the Division and then to the Presbytery matters related to a comprehensive Church Development strategy including proposed church mergers, church closures, the constitution and organization of new congregations and proposals to relocate a ministry to a new site or building.
Develop and execute New Church development strategy
Develop and execute Congregational Transformation strategy
Develop and execute Immigrant Church Development strategy
Develop and execute Equipping Congregations strategy
Develop, promote and encourage a sense of unity and community within the National Capital Presbytery
Staff Contact:
Tara Spuhler McCabe, Director of Congregational Development and Mission
Class of September 1, 2025
Rev. John Yong Lee
Rev. Casey Wait
Class of September 1, 2026
Rev. Mark Gaskill, Chair
Shani McIlwain
Rev. Gloria Yi
Class of September 1, 2027
Cynthia Kekung
Casey Thompson
Betsy Weingarten