11300 Rockville Pike, Suite 408
Rockville, MD 20852
Phone: 240.514.5348
Fax: 240.514.5349

Stewardship Workshops/Webinars/Events

The Stewardship Committee of National Capital Presbytery is committed to bringing our constituents’ workshops, seminars and events that will be helpful in congregational programming and resourcing. Here you will find all hand-outs and information from workshops presented by the committee for use by ALL NCP congregations.

The Stewardship Committee of NCP provides scholarships to lay individuals and grants to congregations to participate in workshops, conferences and seminars relating to Stewardship/Generosity. We will share attendees’ experiences from these events here.

Stewardship Events for 2024

Using Artificial Intelligence in Stewardship led by Adam Kehoe – May 14, 2024 (recording)
AI presentation (PDF)
Reference Sheet (PDF

Planned Giving presented by the Stewardship Committee of NCPMarch 5, 2024 (recording)
Planned Giving PowerPoint Slides (pdf) – Karl Mattison


Stewardship Events for 2023

Stewardship through Storytelling – PART II – May 18, 2023 (Recording)
Stewardship through Storytelling – PART II(PowerPoint presentation)
(Links to video shown in presentation are active)
Additional Video links

Stewardship through Storytelling – April 20, 2023 (in person gathering)
led by Robyn Davis Sekula, Vice President of Communications and Marketing
Presbyterian Foundation


Stewardship Events for 2022

Year End – and All Year – Giving: Focuses on Tools for Success
led by Laura Brouse-Long – November 17, 2022
* Does Year-End Giving Matter in Churches?
* How do we Promote it?
* What are common easy tools?
Slide presentation: Adding Success to your Churches Sacred Giving

Annual Giving Campaign – Just in Time – October 28, 2022
It’s not too late to start on your annual campaign. Let’s talk about core parts of a stewardship campaign and resources for churches!
Led by Olanda Carr, Ministry Relations Officer, Presbyterian Foundation and Karl Mattison, Chairperson, NCP Stewardship Committee

Stewardship Events for  2021

The Annual Campaign: What does it Look Like Now? – July 21, 2021
Olanda Carr, Senior Ministry Relations Officer, Presbyterian Foundation will offer the basics of annual campaigns and recent online resources. We will hear from several NCP congregations on their recent experience with financial stewardship in the online age. You’ll get some examples of creative ways NCP churches have adapted. This Zoom gathering will have time for sharing and questions.
Additional resources:
Core Components for a FALL CAMPAIGN (presentation credit Olanda Carr and Karl Mattison)
Generosity through Storytelling (presentation credit Jenny Lansbury, Falls Church Presbyterian Church)


A Conversation with Lovett Weems & Ann Michel – June 2 , 2021
Our guest leaders will introduce us to their book, “Generosity, Stewardship, and Abundance:
A Transformational Guide to Church Finance “Address topics around: The Spirituality of Money; Generosity; Stewardship; Abundance; Developing a Comprehensive, Year-round Stewardship Ministry; and Leadership for Stewardship

Stewardship Events for  2020

Socially Distanced “FALL CAMPAIGN” Webinar July 28, 2020
This year everything’s different. A full return to worship may happen for most of us some time in 2021. So how do we do stewardship for the remainder of this year? Join us as we address some of the challenges and some ideas for this year’s campaign.
PowerPoint Slides Here

SURVEY RESULTS for “Stewardship in 2020” – June 23, 2020
Webinar showing insights into how we are doing – and some expectations going forward.
Includes the data and trends in the National Capital Presbytery
PowerPoint slides here.

Helping Generosity in Uncertain Times
Webinar presented by the NCP Stewardship Committee – March 23, 2020
Join us to name the challenges and explore how to adapt:
Simultaneous crises
Encouraging generosity in time of crises
Messaging: where to message without offertory?
Giving Tools (socially distanced)
Thanking & Showing Impact
Kind Words & Opportunities for the anxious who may not be financially able
After the Live-stream
Slide presentations:
Generosity in Uncertain Times – Karl Mattison
E-Giving –  Olanda Carr

WEBINAR:Endowing Your Pledge with Karl Madison” – February 18 2020 – 12:30 pm
There are members of our church family who care so deeply – that they think about what happens when they are no longer here. Faithful members can continue to be a blessing to the church by powering ministry, even after their lifetime. It is more accessible than you might imagine. The tools to do this are through endowing your pledge (or your gift to church):
· What is it?
· Who in your congregation might find this a great opportunity?
· How do we talk about it?
View Webinar  HERE
Endowed Pledge slide presentation (pdf). Please credit/acknowledge the author/creator in any publication or presentation.


Workshops/Webinars/Open Space Topics/Events:

May 2019 – Planned Giving Days
Aaron Siirila, CCA, is Church Business Administrator at the Old Presbyterian Meeting House in Alexandria, VA, and is a Certified Church Administrator of The Church Network. Mr. Siirila attended the National Capital Gift Planning Council’s Planned Giving Days in May 2019, thanks to generous grant from the National Capital Presbytery Stewardship Committee. Mr. Siirila learned some valuable lessons to grow your church’s planned giving. 4 Ways to Jump Start Your Church’s Planned Giving Program.

2018 – November (Presbytery Meeting and Open Space)
“Strengthening Congregational Finances” with Bob Connolly – open space workshop focusing on 
“The Three Main Reasons Folks Give”
1) Faith Relations 2) Opportunities 3) Asking. It is the combination of all three which is critical to the success of a giving program in a congregation.
Supporting information here: The Stewardship of Finances in Local Congregations and Raising Money – Inside and Outside of the Congregation

Sermon – “Relationships Build Community”

(Available for use with credit of the source given to the presenter)

2018 – October 10 (Webinar)
Generations & Stewardship with a focus on Millennials with Grace Duddy Pomroy – 
Grace is a millennial stewardship ministry leader and financial educator. She served as the Assistant Director of the Center for Stewardship Leaders at Luther Seminary and the Executive Director of Operations for Kairos and Associates and the Joshua Group. She is the co-author of the recently published stewardship book, Embracing Stewardship: How to Put Stewardship at the Heart of Your Congregation’s Life.
Generations & Stewardship with a focus on Millennials (slide presentation)

2018 -September 11 (Webinar)
Small Capital Campaigns – Presenter: John Wray
John is a seasoned professional in church capital campaigns. He is currently consulting with the Presbyterian Foundation on how church can conduct a small or mini-capital campaign.
Small Capital Campaigns (slides)

2018 – June 26 (Presbytery Meeting Open Space)
Understanding Stewardship in Racial and Ethnic Communities – Led by Olanda Carr, Ministry Relations Officer of the Presbyterian Foundation, serving the East Region
This workshop explores various aspects of stewardship within racial-ethnic communities. Featuring statistical trends within the PCUSA related to historical giving patterns, current trends, and recommendations for enhanced stewardship programming. (Available for use with credit of the source given to the presenter)

2018 – May 22 (Presbytery Open Meeting Open Space)
Vulnerability and Courage: The Practice of Stewardship – This is an introductory workshop that explores the practice of stewardship through the lens of researcher Brené Brown. Dr. Brown, a practicing Christian and professor of Social Work, has published her research on shame, vulnerability, and the practice of courage that leads to “wholeheartedness”. Her data concludes that persons who experience “wholeheartedness” strengthen the communities to which they belong, including congregations. ( Used only with permission of the authors.)

2018 – April 5 – Stewardship Committee of NCP brings you a webinar on Planned Giving for Churches. Led by Karl Mattison.
WHAT IS IT? How big is the opportunity (it is quite big) and what can it mean for future ministry?
THE CHALLENGE. There are headwinds. Why so? Yet we have a unique advantage.
MAKING A PLAN. Build a plan using your advantage.
RESOURCES. Don’t start from scratch. Adapt and use great resources.

2016 – Stewardship Kaleidoscope – “Real Tools for Real Ministry”
February 29 – March 2, 2016 – San Antonio, TX

2014 – Generational Stewardship Seminar – Karl Travis
– Generations and Stewardship 2014
– Generations Theory and the Church 2014
– Gifts to the Church – Generations
– Generations Theory and Worship Handout Version

2013 – Not Your Parents Offering Plate – J. Clif Christopher
2013 – Rich Church Poor Church – J. Clif Christopher

2012 – E-Giving Workshop– Karl Mattison
Stewardship and Generations– K. Travis