6700-A Rockledge Drive Suite 250
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 240.514.5348

NCP Common Grants & Scholarships

The mission of National Capital Presbytery is to strengthen and transform congregations to be missional, pastoral and prophetic. To that end, NCP offers grants, scholarships and other resources to congregations, pastors and lay leaders. Grants and scholarships are only available to eligible congregations and members of National Capital Presbytery.

The Common Grant Application format and process allows for more efficient review of grant requests by the committees responsible for distributing funds and resources. This is a uniform application process that is shared by all committees and allows resources to be accessible to as many churches as possible. Applications have deadlines that allow grants to be reviewed on a standard schedule. Some grant or scholarship requests may be reviewed quarterly, others biannually or annually.

The application for all grants consists of a Part I and a Part II (see descriptions below). To submit an application, click on the link to Part I and the appropriate Part II to open the forms. Complete both forms on-line. Save Part I and Part II to your computer. Add the name of your church in the file name. (For example: “Part I First Presbyterian” or “Part II Global Mission First Presbyterian”) Email completed Part I and II, and any attachments, to the contact person for that grant. Email addresses are listed at the bottom of Part II.

PART ONE of the Common Grant Application is the same for every grant, for any purpose, offered by every committee. It asks for basic information about the applicant, the local church and its connections to NCP, a brief summary of the proposed project, the amount of funding requested, and endorsement by the church session.

Click here for Part I of the application (form is interactive)

PART TWO of the application is customized for a specific type of grant. This form describes the purpose of the grant and the grant criteria. Applicants will answer narrative questions specific to this grant. Some grants may require additional attachments such as a project budget or the church’s annual report. Part II application forms are attached to the specific grants listed below.

Before submitting an application, be sure your church meets the grant or scholarship criteria described in Part II. To assure a broad distribution of limited funds, priority will be given to churches that have not received funding in recent years. Matching grants and partial scholarships are intended to supplement what a church or individual will contribute from their own funds.

For more information about the grants or scholarships listed below, contact the person identified for each specific grant.

Church Development Committee Grants

Equipping Congregations for Ministry
Purpose: To provide resources that will strengthen,
encourage and develop a congregation’s ministries. Resources may include
consultant services, materials, training, equipment or talent and expertise
such as Christian educators, musicians, web developers, or marketing services.

Criteria: All NCP churches are eligible to apply for
resources or services valued up to $3,500 per church. DC churches are
encouraged to apply for resources designated specifically for DC churches.

Deadline: Anytime.
Contact person: Rev. Mark Gaskill, Chair Equipping Congregations Team,

Click here for Part II (application is interactive)

Equipping Leaders Scholarships
Purpose: Partial scholarships to strengthen and develop the ministries of pastors, educators, elders and future church leaders through attendance at conferences and training events related to church development, transformation, spiritual growth or evangelism.
Criteria: All members of NCP Churches are eligible. DC churches are encouraged to apply for funds designated specifically for DC churches.
Deadline: Anytime.
Contact person: Rev. Mark Gaskill, Chair Equipping Congregations Team, revmarkgaskill@gmail.com
Click here for Part II (application is interactive)

Transforming Congregations Grants
Purpose: To assist a congregation to respond to a changing ministry context, embrace and initiate change, and develop innovative programs or projects that lead to increased outreach and vitality in the congregation. Grants are not intended to supplement the church’s annual budget, but to start a project that the church would not be able to do on its own. Grants may continue for up to three years. First year grants are limited to $10,000 per church, with amounts declining in the second and third year.
Criteria: The congregation’s pastor and a team of lay leaders must have at least participated in the Congregational Assessment Tool and received an interpretation with recommendations. The congregation’s annual budget must contribute toward expenses for the proposed project. For information about enrolling in the Transforming Congregations training/grant program, contact: Tara Spuhler McCabe, Dir. Congregational Development and Mission, tspuhlermccabe@thepresbytery.org.

Immigrant Ministry Grants
Purpose: To provide support, training and encouragement to immigrant congregations affiliated with NCP as they prepare to become member churches of PCUSA or mission partnerships with chartered churches within NCP. NCP funds congregations that have the potential to grow to a level at which they can financially sustain their ministry and meet the requirements of a chartered church.
Criteria: Immigrant congregations must have been received as a Fellowship of NCP for a period of one year. The congregation must have retained the services of a pastor and a place to conduct regular worship services.
Deadline: Eligible congregations apply for grant continuation in October.
Contact person: Tara Spuhler McCabe

Mission Coordination Committee Grants

Local Mission Grant
Purpose: Seed grants to enable congregations to start new local mission initiatives or grants to expand existing missional work in the communities they serve. Successful applications include a description of the hands-on engagement of congregation, number and needs of community members served, plans for evaluation and sustainability of the program. Grants are reviewed monthly; second year grants are smaller and contingent on availability of fund. NCP will match the congregation’s contribution toward the project (in money, in kind contributions and volunteer time) with a maximum grant of up to $7,500. See additional criteria in Part II.

Possibilities for Grants include:

Community Garden Children/Youth Housing Environment Hunger/Nutrition
Health Education Parenting Peacemaking Vocational training Immigrant Outreach
Anti-Racism Mental Health Music/Art Recreation Community Organizing
Homeless Outreach Fragilely Housed Older Adults Prison

Domestic Violence


Other missional projects will be considered. MCC will work with sessions to perfect the grant application prior to submission.
Contact person: Rev. Rachel Pacheco – revrachelpacheco@gmail.com
Click here for Part II

Global Partnership Grants
Purpose: Matching grants to enable congregations to initiate or strengthen partnerships for global mission. Projects must be interactive/hands-on and have an impact on the community served. Priority will be given to projects where there is an established relationship and a high level of confidence in the in-country team.
Criteria: All NCP churches are eligible to apply. See criteria described in Part II.
Deadline: March 31 and September 30
Contact person: Judith Dahmann: jdahmann@mitre.org
Click here for Part II


NCP Global Mission Network Grants
Purpose: Grants to Global Mission Networks (ie Malawi,
Haiti, Kenya networks) within the NCP to promote cooperative activities
regarding international mission across congregations

Criteria: All NCP Mission Networks are eligible to apply,
See information in Part II.

Deadline: Applications can be submitted at anytime
Contact person: Judith Dahmann: jdahmann@mitre.org
Click here for Part II

Disaster/Emergency Assistance Grants
Disaster/Emergency Assistance Grants
Purpose: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) offers grants to presbyteries for assistance in responding to disasters affecting churches and areas within the presbytery.
Deadline: Applications are accepted as needed.
Contact person: Beth Goss jbethgoss@aol.com and PDA office

Earth Care “Power to Change”
Purpose of the grant:

The PCUSA calls congregations to care for God’s creation and to aspire to live carbon neutral lives. The grant provides matching funds, up to $2,000 per congregation, for any of the following actions:
● reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
● conserve water and manage stormwater at churches,
● educate their congregation or community,
● support individuals or communities impacted by climate change,
● convert or establish gardens and grounds into sanctuaries for native species, or
● advocate to further any of the above actions before policy makers.
Contact Persons: Susan Berry swbinvirginia@gmail.com and Susan Drilea drilea@verison.net
Click here for Part II

Community Organizing Matching Grant
Purpose: To encourage NCP congregations to become new members of AIM, VOICE, or WIN—faith based, grassroots organizations committed to training and developing neighborhood leaders to address community issues such as public safety, housing, jobs and services for neighbors in need. NCP will match a congregation’s contribution up to $500 per congregation toward first year dues or expenses for training leaders from the congregation in faith based community organizing.
Contact Person: Tara Spuhler McCabe – tspuhlermccabe@thepresbytery.org 
here for Part II

Refugee Ministry Network Grants
Purpose: RMN grants are to assist NCP congregations or related organizations to engage in refugee co-sponsorship or other kinds of ministry, education or partnership that enable or support refugees as they resettle in the National Capital area, and/or to support other educational experiences or ministry related to refugees which support the Mission and Goals of the Refugee Ministry Network. (form is fillable, after filling out save, name and send)
Deadline: Thanksgiving,
Contact person: Nancy Fox – NancyTFox@gmail.com
Click here for Part II

Purpose: Grants or scholarships of up to $500 are available for clergy and Christian educators who wish to take time for self-care, receive spiritual care and/or leadership development.
Criteria: Priority will be given based on personal need, availability of other financial resources and ministry impact.
Deadline: June 15 and December 31.
Contact person: Wayne Blaser – wcblaser@verizon.net
Click here for Part II

SYNOD New and Small Church Grant Fund
Maximum Grant is $2,500
Application deadlines: February 15 for Spring and August 22 for Fall
The Synod of the Mid-Atlantic provides one-time grants to new and existing congregations of fewer than 250 members. The purpose of these grants is to further the mission of the church in partnership with the presbytery and session. Both the brochure and application have been revised. Go to
http://www.synatlantic.org/ and click on “Grants – Small Church” in the menu on the left side of the page. The new brochure and application don’t have a separate link. You can fill out the application online.

Speer Fund
Grants range from $2,000 – $5,000
Application deadline: February 15 for Spring and August 22 for Fall
This fund supports projects which address the root causes of poverty. It funds projects which support ministries of development. Such ministries rely on the collective strength of people, encouraging them to own and to be a part of the decision-making process. The projects will focus on the strengths and assets of low-income communities and people. They will foster the development of both human and financial resources for neighborhood revitalization. Examples of Ministries of Development may include: community development; training or job placement associated with transitional housing; cooperative enterprises such as worker-owned businesses; voter registration and education; self-help programs e.g. tutorial programs, life skills training and/or job training; advocacy efforts. Projects must raise substantial resources (dollars-in-kind) from other, especially, local resources.

For guidelines and application click here.