6700-A Rockledge Drive Suite 250
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 240.514.5348

David A. Douthett

David A. Douthett

Rev. David A. Douthett, Leadership Council Member, National Capital Presbytery, Pastor, Catoctin Presbyterian Church, Waterford, VA, where he has served since January 2004. This is his third call; he served three churches in western Ohio. It’s been a while, but...
Chris Deacon

Chris Deacon

The Rev. Dr. Chris Deacon currently serves as the Stated Supply Pastor for Redevelopment at Northwood Presbyterian Church. He previously served the United Parish of Bowie for 8 years and the First Presbyterian Church of Farmington, IL for 6 years. He has served as...
Shani McIlwain

Shani McIlwain

Shani Mcllwain, Leadership Council – is a Ruling Elder at Faith Presbyterian Church (Washington, DC), serving on CPM, Spiritual Formation, Co-Chair for the Young Adult Volunteer Board, Co-Moderator of Black Presbyterians United, and a NEXT Church strategy team...
Sterling Morse

Sterling Morse

The Rev. Dr. Sterling Morse, Leadership Council, National Capital Presbytery, Teaching Elder, Transitional Pastor at Church of the Redeemer, Presbyterian, Washington, D.C.,. I served as the coordinator for African American Intercultural Congregational Support;...