6700-A Rockledge Drive Suite 250
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 240.514.5348
Fax: 240.514.5349

Susan Graceson, Teaching Elder
Assoc. Pastor, Immanuel Presbyterian Church, McLean, VA
Age: 36-64

Theological Spectrum: Moderate

In the past 2 years, how often have you attended Presbytery meetings: missed one meeting in two years

Local church responsibilities: preach, teach, facilitate retreats, lead workshops, plan worship, write liturgy, write proposals, Stephen Ministry Leader, write newsletter articles, write grant applications, construct curriculum, provide pastoral care

Presbytery responsibilities (past and present): Committee on Ministry (exam team); Worship and Theology Team, Healthy Boundaries workshop leader

Other governing body responsibilities (past and present): served two terms as an ordained ruling elder at First Arlington before becoming an ordained teaching elder

Special skills, knowledge, expertise in relevant areas and compute competency include language(s) other than English: Professional writer-editor, skilled at Parliamentary Procedure, high computer competency, trained facilitator and mediator

Community involvement: (Name nor more than three): Mentor at new Generations (addition rehab center); volunteer at Shelter House; Sponsor and member of 12-Step programs.

What do you believe are the key theological/social issues currently facing the church and society, and how they shape your experience in the church:
The promotion of anti-racism, creation care, and social justice are the issues currently facing our world. Church gives us a way to be Christ’s hands and feet in facing these issues and working to bring about the kingdom of God on earth.

Why do you want to represent National Capital Presbytery at the General Assembly: I would like to serve the denomination at a level that is in addition to the congregation and the presbytery. I would like to get an up-close view of the polity and procedures that I so admire.