6700-A Rockledge Drive Suite 250
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 240.514.5348

Robert C. Erickson, Teaching Elder
Member of NCP Since:
Pastor, Heritage Presbyterian Church
Age: 65-79

Theological Spectrum: Moderate

In the past 2 years, how often have you attended Presbytery meetings: 11

Local church responsibilities: (past and present) Minister at Heritage Presbyterian Church 2018-Present; Minister at First Presbyterian Church in Jefferson City, MO from 2010-2018; Covenant Presbyterian Church 2001-2010; Emmanuel Presbyterian Church in Bedford, Texas from 1996-2000; Bensalem Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia from 1986 to 1996

Presbytery responsibilities: (past and present) Commission of Preparation for Ministry (NCP) from 2020 to present; COM interview team (NCP) from 2018- present; Task Force on Financial Planning (NCP)- 2019;    COM (Missouri Union Presbytery)- 2014-2018; Moderator of Southern Kansas Presbytery- 2008; Finance Committee of the PresbyteryofDallas-1996-1999; Committee on Education- Officer Training in Philadelphia Presbytery 1986-1990; District Representative for Bucks County to Philadelphia Executive Committee- 1990-1994

Other governing body responsibilities (past and present): Vice President of the Reformed Institute of Metropolitan Washington DC- 2020 to present; Member of the Volunteers in Community for Alexandria

Please share what you believe are the key theological/social issues currently facing the church and society, and how they shape your experience in the church: A major issue facing the Presbyterian Church (USA) is spiritual depth. We are so careful not to be confused with our conservative, fundamentalist brothers and sisters that we had ceded away much of the dynamic spiritual language that defines who we are as Reformed and Presbyterian Christians. We need to reclaim our faith language and Biblical language and  images as we seek to speak about issues of inclusion, racial equality, climate change, and global inequities. We have the mandate from God and the spiritual resources to make a difference in these areas if we are willing to embrace the rich reformed heritage that is part of our  history and can guide us into a relevant future.

Please indicate why you want to represent National Capital Presbytery at the General Assembly: I have been an active and  faithful Presbyter for the past 35 years  and I have served in  many positions in the local church and Presbyteries that I have served. I believe that National Capital Presbytery is a significant voice in our denomination on issues of racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, climate change, political impact, global issues, and I would be interested in being one of the voices to represent NCP and to bring the General Assembly experience back to the churches. Sadly, we continue to feel more and more disconnected with our national church and I would be willing to be an ambassador to report the GA actions back to our churches in a way that would build interest and connection with our PCUSA denomination.