6700-A Rockledge Drive Suite 250
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 240.514.5348

Rich is a professional coach with an ACC certification from the International Coach Federation (ICF). To Rich, coaching is an ongoing conversation that empowers a person or team to fully live out God’s calling in family, life and profession.

Rich’s ministry career began as a fulltime Young Life leader. What he learned in Young Life about incarnational ministry flowing through authentic relationships set his ministry trajectory for the next 40 years.

In five diverse congregations from Pennsylvania to California, Rich experienced the full spectrum of church dynamics from angry dysfunction to joyful health. He has particular expertise walking alongside leaders transitioning toward a healthy future based on spiritual and missional renewal.

An example: In 1989 Rich arrived as Pastor of a California congregation suffering 20 years of low self-esteem, distrust of leadership, and an exodus of younger families. Two decades later, a majority of members were under 65, staff grew from seven to 30 and budget from $290,000 to $1,600,000; 280 people participated in weekly small groups.

In 2010, Rich and his wife left this thriving congregation to serve as PC(USA) Mission Co-Workers in Ethiopia, where Rich equipped church leaders at the Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology.

Rich enjoys traveling, sailing the Chesapeake Bay and exploring almost anything. In addition to his M.Div., Rich holds a Th.M. (Princeton Seminary) and a D.Min. (Fuller Seminary). Learn more about working with Rich at www.rich-hansen.com.