11300 Rockville Pike, Suite 408
Rockville, MD 20852
Phone: 240.514.5348
Fax: 240.514.5349

Transitional Director of Congregational Development and Mission

The Rev. Tara Spuhler McCabe has served in the National Capital Presbytery in Washington, D.C. for the past 19 years. Recently, she has been the Site Coordinator for the DC-Young Adult Volunteer Program. She has served in congregations throughout the presbytery as an Associate Pastor at New York Avenue Presbyterian, Stated Supply at Garden Memorial, and Sabbatical Pastor for several other congregations throughout the presbytery. She has hung her “purse” for the past three years at Faith Presbyterian Church while serving the presbytery-at -large as a leadership coach and Church Assessment Tool Interpreter (CAT) with individuals and groups seeking to be in relationship with their communities as the larger Body of Christ. She is a graduate of Agnes Scott College, BA and McCormick Theological Seminary, MDIV. She has total faith that every era and every day, God is doing a new thing and it is our opportunity to participate in it! She lives in Arlington, VA with her husband, two children, and a hound dog!

email: tspuhlermccabe@thepresbytery.org
phone: 240-514-5358

Resourcing our Congregations
Rev. Tara Spuhler McCabe, Director of Congregational Development and Mission, staffs and resources the Church Development Committee/Commission (CDC) including the teams and committees within CDC; staffs and resources Mission Coordinating Committee/Commission (MCC) and the Networks and Teams within MCC. Tara has served in National Capital Presbytery as a congregational pastor, DC-YAV Site Coordinator, Leadership Coach, Retreat leader and facilitator. All these skills from the past 20 years, she brings to her position as Presbytery Staff.