11300 Rockville Pike, Suite 408
Rockville, MD 20852
Phone: 240.514.5348
Fax: 240.514.5349

Lisa D. Kenkeremath, Teaching Elder
Interim Pastor, Manassas
Age: 65+

Theological Spectrum: Moderate

In the past 2 years, how often have you attended Presbytery meetings: 8-10

Local church responsibilities: Served as installed and interim, including head of staff, pastorates in NCP since 2001

Presbytery responsibilities: 2016-2017 chaired NCP COM discernment team; Served on Committee/Commission on Preparation for Ministry

Other governing body responsibilities (past and present): None

Special skills, knowledge, expertise in relevant areas and compute competency include language(s) other than English: Proficiency in French, Lilly Foundation “Pastor-Theologian Program”; contributor of articles and essays to theological publications

Community involvement: (Name no more than three): tutoring at-risk elementary school children

Please share what you believe are the key theological/social issues currently facing the church and society, and how they shape your experience in the church:
The church’s biggest challenge right now is to articulate and embody a theology broad enough and robust enough to confront the evils of war and violence, racism, environmental degradation, and severe income inequality. Such a theology will have to speak across the partisan divisions that are not only tearing at our country’s social fabric but are also reflected in church life. It would be founded on an affirmation of the goodness of our Creator God, recognition of the dignity and equality of all persons, and celebration of the work of the Holy Spirit in church and society, challenging our presuppositions and urging us toward transformation.

Please indicate why you want to represent National Capital Presbytery at the General Assembly:
I have served PCUSA congregations for almost 20 years and have served in governing bodies of the presbytery for many of those years. As I begin to think about retirement from professional ministry, I believe it is time for me to serve the larger church – the denomination – as a GA commissioner. I believe I have much to offer in church experience, theological understanding, and knowledge of our denomination’s polity, practices, and passions.