6700-A Rockledge Drive Suite 250
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 240.514.5348

Cathy is a Minister of Word and Sacrament, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, a Psychotherapist Member of ACPE, and a trained Coach through the International Coaching Federation.  She received her B.A. from Austin College, M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary, and M.S.W. from Rutgers University.  She is a Pastoral Counselor, working in a solo practice located at the Messiah United Methodist Church Wellness Center, in Springfield, Virginia.  She has also been a campus minister at Radford University, and is a faculty member for Presbyterian CREDO, a program of the Presbyterian Church USA designed to lead ministers through a journey of discovery, self-care and renewal.  She offers personal and leadership coaching, and particularly enjoys working with church leaders.  As a coach, Cathy will partner with you toward realizing and activating a dream for a more authentic and meaningful life.