C. Mark Eakin, Ruling Elder
Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church
Age: 36-64
Theological Spectrum: Moderate
In the past 2 years, how often have you attended Presbytery meetings: 6 meetings
Local church responsibilities: Served on PNC; Mission Study Team; member of Commission to Community, past nominating committee member, past member of search committee for DCE
Presbytery responsibilities: NCP Mission Coordinating Committee (chair since 2016)
Other governing body responsibilities (past and present): member of Fossil Free (PCUSA) Steering Committee; Liaison to Mission Responsibility Through Investment Committee
Special skills, knowledge, expertise in relevant areas and compute competency include language(s) other than English: Environmental sciences expert (oceanographer), competent in wide range of computer skills
Community involvement: (Name nor more than three): Present Director of volunteer deer management program; past director of bicycling program for at-risk you, past Scoutmaster
Please share what you believe are the key theological/social issues currently facing the church and society, and how they shape your experience in the church:
We are far short of being a post-racial society and have created a great divide filled with mistrust. We have been poor stewards of God’s Creation. These are but two cases in which we have horribly misused Scripture to justify our own greed. It is time to look to the truth in Scripture to be God’s hands to heal the damage.
Please indicate why you want to represent National Capital Presbytery at the General Assembly:
In my role as Chair of NCP’s Mission Coordination Committee, I have seen how important decisions made at GA can be for how our churches work in the world. GA also serves to demonstrate where our true priorities lie as a denomination. In 2018 I served as a concurring advocate to the 223rd GA for the overture calling for divestment from fossil fuels and plan to continue that work (along with other duties as assigned) at the 224th GA.