6700-A Rockledge Drive Suite 250
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 240.514.5348

Brian Clark serves as Director of the Missional Incubator for National Capital Presbytery, after a long tenure as organizing pastor and co-pastor of Riverside Presbyterian Church. Brian was a key visionary for a missional facility that would serve the community, not just the congregation. After intentionally not building a traditional church facility on an empty 5 acre lot, Brian helped to lead the Riverside congregation to enter into a business partnership, ultimately opening Ridgetop Coffee and Tea, and leasing space that provides ongoing income so that those who donate to Riverside Church donate to mission and ministry, not a building. In addition, he has experience redeveloping a rural church facility into a multipurpose facility that hosted everything from volleyball to the high school prom. After years of coaching church planters and entrepreneurial leaders, Brian is focusing this season of his ministry to equipping a new generation of leaders for missional entrepreneurship to better engage our postmodern culture with the gospel.