11300 Rockville Pike, Suite 408
Rockville, MD 20852
Phone: 240.514.5348
Fax: 240.514.5349

Office Of the Stated Clerk

The Stated Clerk is the presbytery’s ecclesiastical administrator (the office relates to Sessions, Synod and General Assembly. The Clerk serves as the presbytery’s secretary and parliamentarian. The Clerk also serves as a polity resource to Clerks of Session, Moderators and the constitutional committees of presbytery. Annual reviews of congregation’s minutes, rolls and registers are required by the Book of Order and are coordinated by the Clerk’s Office.

Rev. David Baer, Stated Clerk

For Clerks of Session:

Reports to Presbytery:
2023 Necrology Form 
2023 Church & Session Information Form

Guidelines for a Full Financial Review

Child and Youth Protection Policy:
First United Presbyterian Church, Dale City