6700-A Rockledge Drive Suite 250
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 240.514.5348
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226th General Assembly (2024)

June 25-27 (online committee meetings)
June 30 –July 4, 2024 (in-person plenary, Salt Lake City, UT)

Dear Siblings of National Capital Presbytery:

It’s time to begin the nominating process to select our commissioners to the 226th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA). If you feel called to serve the church in this way (or can think of someone who might be) please read this letter!

Some of the most important points are:

  • Nominations are due electronically by September 28.
  • General Assembly will consist of online committee meetings, followed by an in-person plenary in Salt Lake City, UT
  • Ruling Elder and Young Adult Advisory Delegates must have endorsements from the session of their church.
  • October 31: Forms due for those seeking to be nominated from the floor of Presbytery during the November 14, 2023, meeting

Please contact nominating@thepresbytery.org if you have any questions! And click HERE for a complete description and guidance provided by the General Assembly.

We hope you will prayerfully consider applying and/or seeking those equipped to serve in this essential function in the larger church.

The 226th Assembly has two primary components (full attendance required):

  1. Virtual committee meetings (Tuesday, June 25 to Thursday, June 27)
    1. Plan for a full day commitment on these days.
  2. In-Person only plenary sessions (Sunday, June 30 to Thursday, July 4; Salt Lake City, UT – Delegates should plan to arrive by Saturday, June 29)

Our presbytery will be represented by the following distribution of delegates:

  • 3 Teaching Elders (including NCP Moderator, Rev. Chris Deacon)
  • 3 Ruling Elders (including NCP Vice-Moderator, Elder Lou Durden)
  • 1 Young Adult Advisory Delegate (YAAD), ages 18-23
  • 2 Alternates (1 Ruling Elder, 1 Teaching Elder).

Transportation to the General Assembly, and room and board are reimbursed for commissioners and YAADS in accordance with General Assembly policy. A Dependent Care Reimbursement Policy was developed for commissioners and advisory delegates to the General Assembly – beginning with the 222nd GA (2016).

Nomination Process

(Forms are posted on the right of this page, scroll down if using a mobile device)

  • Ruling elders
    • Nominees can self-nominate and must be endorsed by their church’s Session. They will have preferably: a) been a member of their congregation for at least three years; and b) attended at least two presbytery meetings in a two-year period
    • Nominees must submit their forms to their church’s Clerk or Moderator of Session. After the Session has endorsed the nomination, the Clerk or Moderator shall complete and submit the form electronically to nominating@thepresbytery.org no later than September 28, 2023.
    • Ruling elders must also provide at least one (and up to three) reference letters, which shall be sent by the person making the recommendation to nominating@thepresbytery.org by September 28, 2023.
  • Teaching elders
    • Potential delegates may self-nominate by completing the form and submitting it in electronic format only to nominating@thepresbytery.org no later than September 28, 2023.
    • Nominees must have a minimum of three years of membership in the presbytery, a record of regular attendance (at least half) of presbytery meetings and demonstrated service to the presbytery.
    • Letters of reference are welcome but not required.
  • Young Adult Advisory Delegates (age 18-23)
    • YAADs can self-nominate and must be endorsed by their church’s Session and submit their forms to their church’s Clerk or Moderator of Session. After the Session has endorsed the nomination, the Clerk or Moderator shall complete and submit the form electronically to nominating@thepresbytery.org no later than September 28, 2023.
    • YAADs must also provide at least one (and up to three) reference letters, which shall be sent by the person making the recommendation to nominating@thepresbytery.org by September 28, 2023.
  • All candidates must provide a picture in electronic format.

Timeline Review:

  • September 28, 2023: All forms and recommendations due to the NCP Nominating Committee
  • By October 25, 2023: NCP approves slate of nominees to be posted on the NCP website.
  • October 31: Forms due for those seeking to be nominated from the floor of Presbytery during the November 14, 2023, meeting.
  • November 14, 2023: Delegates approved at Presbytery Meeting

Please see the presbytery web site for additional criteria that the NCP Nominating committee will consider in selecting nominees that are best positioned to serve and honor the diversity and abundance of gifts in our presbytery.  Please hold this committee and our nominees in prayer and thank you for your faithful consideration.

If you have questions, please contact us at nominating@thepresbytery.org