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Missional Incubator Events

Join Us for Upcoming Missional Incubator Events
Explore ways to use your existing facility to create fresh expressions of church that build new communities.

WHO – Thursday, Sept. 19, 4 – 7 PM
Ridgetop Coffee and Tea, Sterling VA
The Who comes before the what. Guest guide: Shannon Kiser, Training Director of Fresh Expressions US.

Learning to discern the “who” God is asking us to engage should precede any planning or budget discussion. Otherwise, we risk repeating tired approaches while the culture and world change around us. We need to see and embrace the people who are not now at our table in order to create new expressions of church that will engage them. This event will introduce you and your team to the starting point for developing your facilities and property in new ways that accomplish this. Dinner is included reserve your spot by emailing bclark@thepresbytery.org

WHY – Monday, Oct. 21, 4 -7 PM
Ridgetop Coffee and Tea, Sterling VA
Why are we doing this? Guest guide: John Molina-Moore, General Presbyter of the National Capital Presbytery.

The answer must always be Jesus. The “why”-our motivation-drives what is formed or not formed. This event will help your team see that our work must be something greater than survival or financial relief.  We will explore together the concept that, while we should avoid ruin, we must embrace risk. Dinner is included reserve your spot by emailing bclark@thepresbytery.org

WHAT – Saturday, Nov. 16, 10 AM-1 PM
Ridgetop Coffee and Tea, Sterling VA
What are others doing that is out of the typical church box? Guest Guide: Lindsay Armstrong, Executive Director/CEO The Start-Up Studio of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta.

See the possible and expand our imaginations with examples of new expressions of church that are compelling businesses or social enterprises.  This event will benefit your team as they continue brainstorming, imagination-expanding, and dreaming of what God may be asking your church to do at this time. Lunch is included reserve your spot by emailing bclark@thepresbytery.org

Missional Entrepreneurship Immersion
Wednesday, Jan. 29 4 PM – Friday, Jan. 31 11 AM
Riverside Presbyterian Church/Ridgetop Coffee and Tea, Sterling VA

This is deep dive into repurposing your facility for mission, hosted by the Missional Incubator of the National Capital Presbytery and Fresh Expressions US. 

What if the best way to connect with people in a diverse and rapidly changing world is not with another church program or better preaching?

Churches just like yours are opening missional businesses, such as workout studios, produce markets, surf shops, indoor play areas, ice cream fountains, game cafes, coffee shops, and more—not just as income-producing businesses, but also to connect and build meaningful relationships in an increasingly disconnected world.

Churches just like yours are repurposing their properties to leverage them, not just for monetization, but also for greater mission impact with a vision for new forms of faith community to emerge. From tiny-home villages to art studios, to day care centers, to nonprofit hubs, and more…your church can shift from a one-day-a-week gathering place for a few church members to a hub of relational connections and new faith communities.

Join us for an immersion experience at Riverside Presbyterian Church. Enjoy coffee and conversation in their coffee shop, Ridgetop Coffee and Tea, and experience for yourself what can happen when a facility becomes a community hub. Learn from leaders who have navigated this shift in their own congregations, and dive into deep discussions with peers who are captivated by this possibility. Take advantage of breakout sessions around the practicalities of this entrepreneurial approach to ministry. Explore Biblical foundations for the mission and engage in whole-hearted worship to reconnect with God’s purpose for your life, your leadership, and your church.

Details: Cost: $225 until Jan 6 (price increase to $250).  For the first 40 members of the National Capital Presbytery that register the cost is $115 if you use the code “Missionalincubator” when you enroll from the registration page https://www.eventbrite.com/e/missional-entrepreneurship-immersion-tickets-962039936347

For those who would like to stay overnight rather than commute there is a special hotel rate at the Hyatt Place Dulles South, 4994 Westone Plaza, Chantilly, VA 20151, ph. (703) 961 – 8160 of $119 per night plus taxes.  Price expires 12/31/24 Click Here to make a reservation