6700-A Rockledge Drive Suite 250
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 240.514.5348

september, 2024

10sep(sep 10)1:00 pm11(sep 11)4:30 pmAlly Training (Virtual on Zoom) - September 2024


Event Details

brought to you through partnership with Service Never Sleeps

When: Training Opportunity (two-part training) your registration confirms you will attend both sessions.
Tuesday, September 10 and Wednesday, September 11 (1:00 p.m. to 4:30 pm) – (link to attend will be emailed the week of September 2)
Where: Virtual on Zoom
Who: Clergy and ALL Members of National Capital Presbytery congregations and communities and friends of our congregations

For this ally training, we will meet over two days for 3.5 hours each day as we learn about active allyship from Whitney Parnell, CEO and founder of Service Never Sleeps. 

These sessions on Zoom will provide helpful definitions, invitations to self-mirroring, and active ally education involving the CLAIM acronym: Care, Learn, Act, Influence, and Maintain. This week’s workshops teach individuals about the causes of social injustice, how to be effective allies for marginalized communities, and how to actively influence and educate others.




10 (Tuesday) 1:00 pm - 11 (Wednesday) 4:30 pm