6700-A Rockledge Drive Suite 250
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 240.514.5348
Fax: 240.514.5349

General Policies, Manuals and Applications

Authorization to Celebrate Marriages in the DMV
(District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia)

Changes in Pastoral Roles within a CongregationDiscernment Questions (for changes in pastoral roles policy)

Child and Youth Protection Policy (approved May 2018)

Creation of Care Policy

Criteria for Nominating General Assembly Commissioners (approved Sept. 2007)

Divestiture Resolution (approved May 23, 2021)

Process for Use When a Church Wishes to Disaffiliate from the Presbyterian Church (USA)

Equalization Policy (5/2015)

Financial Policies (amended January 28 2020) reposted 6/3/2020

Section 5 Temporarily Restricted Funds (of the Financial Policies)

Manual of Administrative Operations(5/2017)

Manual of Property Policies and Procedures (ACCP Manual) – Approved February 2022)

NCP BY-LAWS (approved October 1998 – Revised November, 2011)

Personnel Polices Manual (amended by Leadership Council June 3 2020)

Policy on Right to Inspect Books and Records (Amended by Leadership Council October 31, 2019)

Policy Statement on Dismantling Racism (approved march 23, 2021)

Social Media Guidelines for NCP (Adopted by Leadership Council May, 2018)

Special Rules of Presbytery (adopted 5/20/2014)

Standing Rules of The Presbytery

Naming of Overture Advocates and Payment of Overture Advocates Expenses (approved 2/13/2016)