6700-A Rockledge Drive Suite 250
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 240.514.5348

Below are playback Webinar and Zoom Meetings:

Coronavirus and the Church: The Latest News and Advice from Church Law & Tax (Church Law and Tax – Richard Hammar)
Churches and the CARES Act: Helping Congregations and Employees Weather the Cash Crunch –
register for webinar on April 2, 2020 at 11:00 AM Central

Helping Generosity in Uncertain Times
Webinar presented by the NCP Stewardship Committee – March 23, 2020
Join us to name the challenges and explore how to adapt:
Simultaneous crises
Encouraging generosity in time of crises
Messaging: where to message without offertory?
Giving Tools (socially distanced)
Thanking & Showing Impact
Kind Words & Opportunities for the anxious who may not be financially able
After the Live-stream
Slide presentations:
Generosity in Uncertain Times – Karl Mattison
E-Giving –  Olanda Carr

Zoom Webinar v. Meeting – Quick introduction – Virginia Theological Seminary Digital Missioner, Sarah Stonesifer Boylan, walks through the main differences between a Zoom webinar and meeting. (3/26/2020)

The Rev. MaryAnn McKibben Dana, who heads the NCP Coaches Network, has created a tool for reflection and clarity in this stressful time, called the Wheel of Life for Trying Times. You can download it here:

Ten Tech Tips for Meeting Online (NEXT CHURCH) March 16, 2020

Worship Preparation using Zoom with Bruce Reyes-Chow – (March 10 2020)

Zoom Worship Communion Example – with Bruce Reyes-Chow (3/26/2020)