6700-A Rockledge Drive Suite 250
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 240.514.5348

Links to resources:

CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security)

Double Jeopardy: COVID-19 and Behavioral Health Disparities for Black and Latino Communities in the U.S. (Submitted by OBHE) – The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has revealed deep-seated inequities in health care for communities of color and amplifies social and economic factors that contribute to poor health outcomes.

COVID-19 RELATED LEGISLATION OVERVIEW – A Guide for Presbyterian Churches and Ministries (4-9-2020)

Loans in the Midst of the Pandemic – Constitutional Musing
In response to questions about applying for aid through the Payroll Protection Program of the CARES Act, Laurie Griffith, Associate Director for Constitutional Interpretation, has provided a Constitutional Musing concerning Loans for a Congregation or Session. (4-7-2020)

Authority of Sessions In the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to Enter into Paycheck Protection Program Loans Letter
from Stated Clerk, Sara Coe (4-6-2020)

SBA Clarifies Eligibility of Faith-Based Organizations to Participate in Paycheck Protection
and Economic Injury Disaster Loan Programs (4-6-2020)

SBA Faith-Based Organizations FAQ (4-6-2020)


Applying for CARES ACT Funds – Letter from John Molina-Moore, NCP, GP (4-1-2020)

Employer Documentation for Employees Who Must Commute to and from Work in Maryland and Information on the District of Columbia and Virginia Orders (3-31-2020)

SUMMARY OF CARES ACT PROVISIONS This document briefly summarizes provisions in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“the CARES Act”) that could possibly be of interest to church plans, ministries and plan members. (3-30-31)


End-of-Life pastoral care resources / Resources at the time of death. The PC(USA) Office of Theology and Worship has developed resources for prayer at the time of death in situations where patients are quarantined, pastors or loved ones are not permitted to be present, and medical personnel may be seeking to offer spiritual care. Two documents are provided, each in two versions: Prayer at the Time of Death (bookletlarger print) and Comforting the Bereaved (bookletlarger print). These materials are based on the Book of Common Worship © 2018. Adapted with permission of Westminster John Knox Press. All rights reserved. – April 13, 2020

Worship Resources from Presbyterian Outlook (4-8-2020)

Online Music, Legally (4-2-2020)
Even in a crisis, it’s not ethical or legal to violate artists’ rights by ignoring copyright law, but some corporations are being generous in this situation. PPC is granting rights to live-stream or distribute photocopies of anything in the hymnal (Glory to God) that is copyrighted by Westminster John Knox Press; same goes for the Book of Common Worship.
Additionally, here’s a list of the hymns in Glory to God that are in the public domain and so are ok to use anytime.
For new customers or for existing customers who do not already have a podcast/streaming license, ONE LICENSE is offering a one-month gratis license, valid through April 15.

Resource for Funerals During COVID-19 – This resource was prepared by the Massachusetts Council of Churches (4-5-2020) 

Glory to God Copyright Basics

Advisory Opinion – Communion in an Emergency/Pandemic Office of the General Assembly

Resources for Doing Church Digitally: A NEXT Church Response to COVID19

Creating Live Streamed Worship Service

Taking your Worship Service online (a guideline for beginners) – from UMC
(added 3-17-20)

Guidelines on Live Streaming Services

Stewardship Resources

Stewardship Webinars: NCP’s Stewardship Committee host webinars that assist our congregations with virtual campaigns, online giving and more.

Stewardship Plan and Campaign Implementation – from New York Avenue Presbyterian Church (10/2020)
This year’s stewardship campaign differed from past campaigns. Due to the fact that NYAPC has been meeting virtually by Zoom since March, more of the campaign was virtual, with a greater emphasis on online communications like videos, emails, the website, and online pledging.

HOW TO PRODUCE VIDEO’s FOR STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGNS  – from Aaron Siirila, Church Business Administrator, Old Presbyterian Meeting House Series of stewardship “impact” videos releasing over the next few weeks leading to OPMH fall campaign. How to guide here.


VBS Resources

Building Faith’s Canceling Summer Programs Resource Roundup – this has a lot of helpful resources including a cancelation letter template.

Remote Ministry Resources from APCE which includes a list of questions to help guide the conversation about whether or not to have VBS this summer.