6700-A Rockledge Drive Suite 250
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 240.514.5348
Fax: 240.514.5349

Samuel Atiemo, Teaching Elder
Pastor, Christ the King
Age: 65+

Theological Spectrum: Moderate

In the past 2 years, how often have you attended Presbytery meetings: All, with one excused absence

Local Church Responsibility: serving as pastor

Presbytery Responsibility: Spiritual Formation Team; Mission Coordinating Committee; Nominating Committee, presbytery of NYC

Other governing body responsibility: PMA, Assoc. African Immerging Ministries

Special skills, knowledge, expertise in relevant areas and computer competency include language(s) other than English: Some French, 2 Ghanaian languages

What do you believe are the key theological/social issues currently facing the church and society, and how they shape your experience in the church?
Truth in politics and social justice with the “poor” in focus.

Why do you want to represent National Capital Presbytery at the General Assembly?
NCP is very diverse and honors voices at the table, so I think an African immigrant voice has a chance at the table.