6700-A Rockledge Drive Suite 250
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 240.514.5348
Fax: 240.514.5349


CPM Materials for Seekers, Inquirers and Candidates for Ministry and their Sessions

The Commission on Preparation for Ministry (CPM) of the National Capital Presbytery hopes that these materials will be helpful to you as you consider entering the process of discerning a call to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament or as you enroll and work through the process with us.


Rev. Megan Klose
Chair of the CPM

National Capital Presbytery’s CPM Resources:
Discerning a Call to Ministry in the PC(USA)? – A Summary of the Process in NCP
CPM MANUAL January 20, 2022

Additional Information for the Session
If I Were at Gatekeeper
Recommended Duties of the Session Liaison Person


PCUSA and Other Resources:
Are you considering a call?
Touched by the Flame
Gifted by the Flame

Do you need help understanding the process?
Preparation for Ministry Advisory Handbook

Resources and Forms
Preparation for Ministry Forms
PCUSA Resources Used in the Preparation for Ministry Process


If you have any questions, feel free to contact:

Dina Bickel
NCP Staff to the CPM

Rev. Megan Klose
Chair of the CPM