6700-A Rockledge Drive Suite 250
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 240.514.5348

Coaching Resources – List of opportunities for coaching for members and congregations of National Capital Presbytery


Spiritual Formation Team of NCP will host a virtual (ZOOM) cohort for any church staff in NCP who feel overwhelmed during this chaos and need support as they minister to their congregations.  Shani McIlwain, SFT member, will serve as host to pose a question or two to keep the conversation constructive. Offered at no cost. Please use this link to schedule a time with Shani: https://ministrytechhelp.as.me/schedule.php

Need support? Someone’s got your back
Ministry these days is overwhelming, with new tech tools to learn, information to sort through, and an ever-shifting reality requiring leadership and care. Meanwhile our personal worries about family, community, and self are ever-present. The NCP Coach Network is here to walk alongside you. Our trained coaches can help you sort through the overwhelm, get unstuck, and develop a sustainable way forward. Many of our coaches are donating pro-bono services during this season of acute need. Need a single session? A weekly check-in? Fill out this form and you will be matched with a coach who’s here to help.  Use this link: https://forms.gle/EtWSC7ULuP9bM2dQA