6700-A Rockledge Drive Suite 250
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 240.514.5348
Fax: 240.514.5349


Purpose: To actively explore new ways of resourcing congregations in their discipleship formation of children, youth, young adults, and adults.

Function: The Spiritual Formation Ministry Team will partner, co-sponsor, and work with congregations and related organizations of NCP to help promote, resource, and enhance the discipleship and spiritual growth of individuals and groups of all age levels in NCP.This will in part be achieved by providing scholarships and grants; and sponsoring workshops, retreats, and special events. Members of the team will demonstrate a passion for equipping all ages to grow in their faith and will include pastors, educators, and other members of NCP.

Team Members:
LaKesha Bradshaw Easter, TE
Jennifer James
Jan Moody, DCE
Dan Thomas, HR
LaJuan Quander, Staff

Grant Application – The Spiritual Formation Teams invites you to apply for a financial grant to help make your program ideas happen! The grant is open to all churches in National Capital Presbytery, with a grant up to $1,000 per church.

Scholarship Application – The Spiritual Formation Team is committed to assisting educators, pastors, youth leaders, and lay leaders to attend regional or national conferences, training events, or programs that help support their own spiritual formation and continued learning in order to serve their member churches and National Capital Presbytery. Scholarships are given to cover (or partially cover) the registration fee of the conference or event. One scholarship is offered per year per recipient. (click on “Scholarship Application” for form)

Upcoming Events of interest:

  • APCE Annual Event, January 31 – February 3, 2018, Louisville, KY, Galt House Hotel
  • NEXT CHURCH – 2018 National Gathering, February 26-28, Baltimore, MD, Renaissance Baltimore Harbor Place Hotel
  • Eastern Region of APCE – , with David LaMotte and Jon Brown, April 30 – May 2, 2018, Rhodes Conference Center, Chambersburg, PA (conference link will post later)